历史 & Humanities Department

博彩网址大全大学历史系努力教导学生“像历史学家一样思考”.“历史思维技能的发展有助于学生对一手和二手资料研究的理解,并鼓励他们独立和批判性地思考. 历史系通过对资料的批判性分析来实现这一目标, student-led discussions, and the development of writing. 历史系还致力于通过鼓励学生之间的合作环境,让学生创造性地表达他们的知识,创造21世纪的学习者.

World 历史 I, H (9) : Early Human 历史 to 1750
The first phase of a two-year course, 学生探索从古代到第一个全球时代(约1750年结束)的年表。, 围绕几个关键主题和概念进行组织,公元前1000年- 1,600 CE); Empires of the Ancient World (to 200 CE); and Regional Civilizations (to 1,200 CE). When studying the Early Common Era, 学生可以了解早期帝国和全球其他文明. Students also examine issues such as the 非洲n slave trade, cultural interactions among varied peoples, and global trends. An understanding of geography, 历史, 将培养经济制度和政治机构以及人类发展研究的基本社会和文化因素. Over the course of the year, students think critically about these and other issues, and in the process, 发展重要的智力和分析工具,从构建论点和学术写作到研究和口头表达技能.

World 历史 II, H (10): 1750 to present
两年世界历史和地理课程的第二阶段, 学生将探索现代世界形成的主要转折点, 从专制主义时代和启蒙运动时期到现代. Emphasis on geography, cultural underpinnings, 经济学, and 政治 systems on the continents of Europe, 非洲, Asia and the Americas characterize the course experience for the year. Topics of study include: Enlightenment and Revolution, Industrialism and a New Global Age, World Wars and Revolutions, and a focus on current events, which draws connections to events of the past. Prerequisite: World 历史 I or equivalent 9th grade 历史 class.

U.S. 历史, H/Pre-AP (11)
美国历史与政府是对美国代议制民主和政治传统的起源和发展的研究. The course focuses on the people, the geography, the development of American cultural values, social institutions, and global relations. Students study the major social, 政治, and religious developments in United States 历史, 并且需要运用各种智力和批判性思维技能来展示他们对主要思想的理解, 时代, 主题, developments and turning points. Prerequisite: World 历史 II or equivalent 10th grade 历史 class.

United States Government and Politics (12)
U.S. 政府与政治是一门旨在让学生了解其起源的课程, 概念, organizations, and 政策 of the United States government and 政治 system. 美国.S. 宪法及其修正案将被审查,学生将调查公民权利和自由的发展和横扫. 将分析最高法院的重大判决,以展示宪法权利的影响和重要性. 指导学生了解当今政府的职能和公民在公民进程中的作用. 他们还将参与要求他们阅读和解释数据的纪律实践, make comparisons and applications, and develop evidence-based arguments. Prerequisite: U.S. 历史 or equivalent 11th grade 历史 class.

Honors 历史 Designation (9-12)
有兴趣进一步挑战自我并获得荣誉/预ap学分的学生将根据他们的成绩和老师的推荐进行排名, with final approval by the Dean of 学者.  These courses require academic skill, greater commitments of time and effort, and an eagerness to learn.  学生必须保持85%或以上的成绩才能继续参加荣誉和预ap课程.

Foundations of Economics (11, 12)
本课程整合微观和宏观经济学以及个人理财概念,帮助学生更好地理解经济事件的含义,并做出明智的金融决策. 学生将研究经济制度的基本类型,重点是美国资本主义经济理论及其实施和发展. 本课程介绍经济推理以及经济学家使用的技术和思维过程. The focus is on the basic principles concerning production, 消费, and distribution of goods and services (the problem of scarcity). Students analyze the interaction of supply, 需求, 和价格, the principles guiding household 经济学, the economic organization of business, agriculture and labor, and the national economy. 该课程还包括个人理财知识的指导.

AP Psychology
AP心理学是美国大学理事会认可的一门社会科学课程,为学生在心理学的主要研究领域打下基础, 包括, but not limited to: scientific methods, biopsychology, human development, 认知, and individual and group behavior variation. 本课程的重点是帮助学生理解心理学作为一门科学学科, 以及提高学生科学地讨论和写作心理学原理的信心. This class will be an intense reading and writing program, at times. It is designed to the equivalent of a College Psychology class. 对这门课的期望很高,作业也很有挑战性. 有时, 这将需要出色的时间管理技能和额外的课外时间来完成作业并达到成绩期望. 本课程旨在发展和建立在复杂的实践和学习大学水平的基本技能.

Introduction to Legal Studies
本课程将为学生提供美国法律制度的基础. 学生将学习和掌握阅读和分析法律的基本知识,并将其正确应用于相关案例. 这将成为阅读和分析案例的跳板,以获得重要和关键的细节,从而根据适用的法律做出正确的案例,并撰写案件裁决. Once the basic analytical and writing skills are mastered, 该课程将通过模拟审判来了解法庭诉讼程序的过程.

AP United States Government and Politics (12)
A.P. U.S. Government and Politics provides an introductory college-level, nonpartisan introduction to key 政治 概念, 的想法, institutions, 政策, interactions, 角色, 以及具有美国宪法制度和政治文化特征的行为. Students will study U.S. foundational documents, Supreme Court decisions, 以及其他文本和图像来理解政治制度之间的关系和相互作用, 流程, and behavior. 他们还将参与要求他们阅读和解释数据的纪律实践, make comparisons and applications, and develop evidence-based arguments. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors/pre-AP U.S. 历史 and approval from the AP committee.

Honors and pre-AP 历史 Designation (9-12)
有兴趣进一步挑战自我并获得荣誉/预ap学分的学生将根据他们的成绩和老师的推荐进行排名, with final approval by the Dean of 学者.  These courses require academic skill, greater commitments of time and effort, and an eagerness to learn.  学生必须保持85%或以上的成绩才能继续参加荣誉和预ap课程.

历史 Faculty

Kelly Mandia

M.A., 历史 – Long Island University

Kelly Mandia

历史 Department Chair
历史, Economics & Government Teacher

Patrick McCormick

MA., Adolescence Special Education – St. Joseph’s College
B.A, 历史 in Secondary Education – St. Joseph’s College

Patrick McCormick

历史 Teacher

Stephanie Kilgannon, LMHC, CASAC-T, CAMS-II

M.S., School Counseling – New York Institute of Technology
M.S., Mental Health Counseling – Alfred University

Stephanie Kilgannon

School Counselor
Psychology Teacher